Monday, January 7, 2013

My Success

I wanted to start this blog again as we have move to South Carolina a few yrs ago. I dropped 50 pounds and I feel wonderful! I want to find some before and now pictures... stunning!

I'd like to tell you about how I did this and I did it without any diets! Yep I started out at a skinny girl and was under 118lb and in about 10 yrs I got so big....168 lbs...yes you read that right... I put on 50 lbs and could not get rid of it!  My dr told me I was eating too much and not exercising...he was wrong, as I was walking all over and I was eating just about nothing. ...I had asked him to do the complete thyroid test and he said Nope... My sister had that test done and it was a waste of money! I am not his sister and who knows... I even had ins to cover it. So I did what most people would do........Found myself a different doc. I'll be back to finish this later.
Back now...
First I was told by my girl friends that they were worried about me putting 3lbs on each time I turned around... since nothing was working and I was doing landscaping maintenance at the time as my work... plus walking all over the city! riding my bike and just everything that should have had my body working...I resorted to the attitude that since I'm destined to be heavy on a short body... I will eat what ever I want...  I even was this heavy for my 45th class reunion. I was getting to be so depressed that I was not seeing any results that I needed something different to do. So when my
hubby said hey why don't you go see my Dr. I jumped on it!  He is a Dr at MSU.... Mi State University.... and he specializes in hormones. I told him how pissed I was at the previous Dr's attitude... He said not only are we going to run a complete thyroid test but a complete hormone test also. and so off to get the blood work done... and then back several weeks later to see my new Dr. and get the results of the blood work. Well I was stoked cause I was going to get results, not just you need to eat less and workout more.... yup... results... so the day comes and I go into the office. He goes over my blood work with me and says things are not right with my hormones... Oh dear... I said. He said yes your hormones are just about gone... what! I said... he explained that I had the hormone level of a 96 yr old woman. Yikes!!!!! no wonder I was feeling so bad for the last more than 7 ys.... yikes...

Dr said we can turn this around... OK what do I need to do? He said I need to take a Hormone... the DHEA is what I have to take and he started me out on a compounded one... I took it and went back several weeks later. He asked me how do I feel I said no different! So he said Now I want to add the Armour Thyroid... I said to him I thought you said my thyroid was fine. He said Humor  me... what! so he explained that he wanted to see if that made any difference to how I felt. So I got that filled and started that.... both were low doses... we had to work for several yrs to get to where I am now.... but let me continue.

I also started to take Vitamin D3.  and a few other vitamins and supplements. Can't remember now what else. My niece was starting to get her degree/accreditation for Homeopathic med. so I would run stuff by her and get her response to what I would hear.

When I went back to see my Dr a few months later when he asked how was I feeling I could tell that I was starting to feel a bit better.  so he adjusted my doses... and sent me off again. This kind of thing went on for about 3-4 yrs. and finally after finding out hubby was retiring and we were moving out of state. Dr said at my last visit while living in Mi... to get my dosage doubled. So off I went to get the scripts and start out again.

The time was going by fast as I was empting out a home that we had for 45 yrs... so loading a pod and getting rid of stuff! which was hard to let go of. and selling stuff which we knew we didn't need any more. All this stuff and then the loading of the truck and getting rid of all metal stuff... boy what a job. Sold the house and Hubby retired and we moved. I was taking a doubled perscription... and decided to go back up to Mi to continue to see my dr. He's worth it! So anyway... we moved.... then after we unloaded to car, the truck, the rental truck and the pod hubby hurt his back. Not only did he hurt it he was out of comission for the remaining several months.  While I was left with organizing a home and getting all the boxes from the packed garage up 1 and 2 flights of stairs... Up till this time I was losing weight but I was slow going 2-3 pounds every 6 months maybe...longer... mostly longer...Who am I kidding... It was enough to keep me going... but.....I should also mention that I started doing a smoothie every morning 1/2 hr after I take my meds... from the time that Dr started me on meds.
Stay tuned for the next part tomorrow!

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